CNP ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΗ - Inspection and Management of Risks

Inspection and Management of Risks

It is generally accepted today that workplace accidents and other dangerous events, such as fire and theft incidents, for instance, carry high costs for businesses. Even where such risks are covered by an insurance policy, many research projects indicate that they can still cost a lot of money to a business especially in case of an accident.

The Risk Inspection service provided by CNP ASFALISTIKI is an innovative service offered to all of its customers with the aim of assisting them in managing risks in a proactive and timely manner. The Risk Inspection Department of the Company is comprised of specialized and highly-trained personnel which has great experience in the matters that it handles and can offer high-level services to our customers.

Proactive risk management can contribute in the drastic reduction of a business’ losses at a minimum which may be due to work-related accidents and other damage caused to insured property and business staff. Such a result can only be achieved through the timely and effective intervention in the chain of events and procedures leading to an accident, in order to prevent it from happening.

This intervention is offered to our clients by inspecting their premises and facilities, with a view to locating, evaluating and assessing the risks covered by insurance and submitting specific suggestions on the measures that need to be implemented in order to effectively deal with the risks.

It should be noted that the risk inspection and management services are available to all customers without any extra charge on their premiums.

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